I bought a new logo design from www.virutaladagency.com I'll let you see it when ready.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Reduce Alcohol - Reduce Cancer
Women who drink above the government's recommended limit are 50% more likely to develop breast cancer, the UK Department of Health has said.
The health department report, claims that more than 14 units of alcohol a week will increased risk, with alcohol caused cancer causing 2,000 breast cancer cases a year.
Public Health Minister Dawn Primarolo said: "Women who regularly drink too much are 50% more likely to develop breast cancer. And many drink too much simply because they have no idea how many alcohol units they are consuming.
"After the campaign no-one will be in any doubt as to how many units they're drinking and the impact that can have on their health."
Stronger wine of up to 13% alcohol and larger 250ml glasses can make women think they are drinking less than they are.
Ms Primarolo said:
"It's fair to say that most women don't know how much they're drinking," she said.
"They don't know how many units they drinking. And don't know that, at 3.5 units, that large glass of Rioja they drank last night actually took them over their daily amount."
The group of women who are most compliant are the middle aged professional group of women.
Alcohol-related deaths have doubled in 10 years. Doctors are increasingly concerned at the growing number of women with liver damage, pancreatitis and cirrhosis.
Government figures show that 20 per cent of women in the UK (4.9million) drink 14 and 35 units a week, pushing them in the hazardous drinker category.
Your Journal Can Help Manage Cancer
Writers have long known the health benefits of writing. The medical world is discovering the benefits of writing as a theraphy. Writing can even reduce the stress and severity of cancer, according to the journal The Oncologist. They claim that the younger a person is, and those recently diagnosed, were most likely to benefit.
The key is to write thoughts and feelings, or the cognitive processing and emotions related to cancer. The patients who just wrote about facts showed no health benefits.
Twenty minutes of expressive writing can change 49% of people and how they feel about their thoughts on the illness, while 38% said their feelings towards their situation had changed.
Writing can reduce stress and helps people come to terms with things that happen in their life. This empowers them, brings closure, and helps calm people. Anyone can start writing in a journal. IF you cannot write, then make an audio recording of your journal.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Real Food That Can Suppress Appetite
There has been a lot of controversy in the news over natural appetite suppressants. Hoodia has been in the news. It has been painted with an evil brush, but what most people do not understand is that it has been eaten as a part of people’s diet for centuries. It is part of a naturally growing cactus that just happens to have the ability to suppress the appetite.
This made me wonder whether other foods have any appetite suppressant qualities. The first thing I learned was that most people are not hungry when they ‘feel’ hungry – they are thirsty. Today’s diet has cross wired our brains messages. Most people feel the same whether they are hungry or thirsty. Next time you want to reach for a snack, pick up a bottle of water first.
If water doesn’t do the trick, then drink vegetable broth. The broth is better than juice. The juice may have starches added to make the drink thicker, smoother, or improve the color. Broth is primarily water and does are not ad calories.
Green foods will suppress the appetite. Any green or leafy vegetable will work. The simplest ‘food’ is apples. It works for people who are feeding their emotions, and it also curbs the appetite. Eat about 30 minutes before dinner and you’ll eat less food.
Another appetite suppressant food is a pickle. Trader Joe’s pickles have the benefit of having no added food coloring. But, read the ingredients. Some pickles are more ‘candied vegies’ than pickles. They have no dietary benefits.
If you must pop pills, then take fiber pills. Drink plenty of water with them.
Without water they can cause digestive problems. Not only will they prime the digestive system so weight loss is easier, but the right ones will make the stomach feel full.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
50% Divorce Rate an Urban Myth
No, not 50%
50% of all marriages end in divorce. 10% of them divorce twice. But, many divorced people are divorced more than 3 times.
Now, this number is an 'urban legend.' The rate of divorce has NEVER been 50%
The highest rate of divorce is the USA was 44% (including those who divorce mulitple times) The marriage rate in 2005 was 7.5 (per 1,000), down from 7.8 the previous year. This is FAR lower than 50% or even the 44% that some statistics claim. Shockingly, only 10% of the US population is currently divorced.
Divorce in Canada is actually on the decline. Currently, only 37% of divorces are expected to end before they reach their 30th anniversary.
US Per capita divorce rates 1990-2002:
1991, 0.47%
1992, 0.48%
1993, 0.46%
1994, 0.46%
1995, 0.46%
1995, 0.43%
1997, 0.43%,
1998, 0.42%,
1999, 0.41%,
2000, 0.41%,
2001, 0.40%,
2002, 0.38%
(Mostly from NCHS, some from Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the U.S.,
That is a lot less than 50% - interestingly, the % is dropping.
So, where does the urban myth start? It starts from quotes like the following (the important thing to understand is the true definition of the word PROJECTION - it is a guess - it is not fact):
"About 50% of first marriages for men under age 45 may end in divorce, and between 44 and 52% of women's first marriages may end in divorce for these age groups. The likelihood of a divorce is lowest for men and women age 60, for whom 36 % of men and 32 percent of women may divorce from their first marriage by the end of their lives. A
similar statistical exercise was performed in 1975 using marital history data from the Current Population Survey
(CPS). Projections based on those data implied that about one-third of married persons who were 25 to 35 years old in 1975 would end their first marriage in divorce.
"This cohort of people, who in 1996 were about 45 to 55 years old, had already exceeded these projections as about 40% of men and women in these ages had divorced from their first marriage. Current projections now indicate that the proportion could be as high as 50% for persons now in their early forties."
Rose M. Kreider and Jason M. Fields, "Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 1996", U.S. Census Bureau Current Population Reports, February 2002, p. 18.
It is also important to understand the source the information comes from.
Southern Baptist Convention's Council on the Family said that for "...born-again Christian couples who marry...in the church after having received premarital counseling...and attend church regularly and pray daily together..." experience only 1 divorce out of nearly 39,000 marriages
Barna Research Group released the results of their poll about divorce on 1999-DEC-21
11% of the adult population is currently divorced.
25% of adults have had at least one divorce during their lifetime.
34% of adults with no church affiliation are divorced.
These numbers were found using a test group of 3500 people.
The State of our Unions 2005 annual report, which analyzes Census and other data, is issued by the National Marriage Project at New Jersey's Rutgers University.
The U.S. divorce rate is 17.7 per 1,000 married women, down 22.6 in 1980. The marriage rate is on a steady decline: a 50% drop since 1970 from 76.5 per 1,000 unmarried women to 39.9, says the report, whose calculations are based on an internationally used measurement.
The USA has the lowest percentage among Western nations of children who grow up with both biological parents, 63%, the report says. (That means that only 37% are in single parent homes)
Can I Change My Spouse
No relationship can remain in the first love and romantic stages. These stages are meant to help us get together with other people and meet our primal needs.
Most people have several primal needs:
Primal: food, water, warmth
Safety: The need to be safe, have a secure job, protect the level 1 needs.
Relationships: To meet this need the person must learn to both give and receive love. They need to grow and change until they are someone who can love, and someone who can make others feel loved.
Self-Esteem: Most of us grow to the point where our childhood abusers no longer look like monsters - they are just dysfunctional people. At this stage we see them as week. The woman who survives an abusive relationship and leaves has grown past the infatuation and passion stages and now sees the tormentor for what they really are.
People need respect from others to feel good. However, the only way to get respect is to learn how to give it. Forcing others to act the way you want, getting obedience, threatening, abuse - none of this makes others respect us. This is the vicious cycle of abuse. We want respect - we force others - they hate. In return we don't get the respect and lose the relationship plummeting down the list of needs until we only have level #1 and level #2 covered.
How do I Change My Spouse?
The first step is to change yourself. Learn the Five Languages of Love. Each person has a love language. Most of us want others to be happy with our own love language. That is why people buy gifts and then force others to wear it all the time. The gift buyer is trying to feel loved by forcing the other to meet their love language needs.
This never works. You need to learn your spouse's love language and then feed their love language. This will change how they feel about you. This will change how they feel about you. It will change how they treat you.
Learn how to communicate without becoming angry or yelling. Conflict is healthy. Conflict with abuse, control, punishment is not. If one person in the argument refuses to continue dysfunctional behavior, the anger level will eventually drop.
Choosing to change should be a personal choice. Do not change because 'He will treat me better' or 'she will stop spending so much.' Instead, change because it will make you a different person and move you one step closer to becoming an emotionally healthy person.
Changing a partner is a useless goal. You'll never do it. You'll never make them love you. You'll never fix them.
Problem Solving
There are strategies for solving problems. Most analysts learn how to solve problems (successfully) among several people, or an entire organization. This is a fact. Every couple can find solutions to their problems by incorporating typical problem solving strategies to their house.
The focus should be control. Learn how to control your emotions, your behavior, and how you communicate. The only way to learn communication is to Google it and learn the different styles. This will teach you new patterns of relating to others in various situations, speaking, reading body language, and 'letting go' of things that don't really matter in the greater scheme of things.
Problem solving is the 'healthy' part of conflict. Unhealthy conflict ends with everyone at a stalemate, angry and refusing to resolve the problem. Healthy conflict ends with both parties working toward a resolution.
Suppressing emotions is a learned behavior habit of a victim. The victim would rather feel hostility and separateness than resolve problems. Their goal is to remain the victim so they do not feel responsible for growth. Some people stay in this state-of-mind because they fear intimacy and the victim (submissive) doesn't need to show intimacy.
Good communication. If you were able to communicate well, with yourself and others, than you'd never entered into a difficult relationship. Sometimes, working through problems and learning to change, can bring the couple closer together. Each person feels appreciation, receive affirmation, and a sense of connection with someone else who is in the same boat.
When To Call It Quits?
This is hard to say. If a person has reached the level of self actualization needed to be emotionally healthy then they are able to create a relationship with anyone who is not emotionally or physically abusive.
If you want to leave a relationship (that is not abusive) then there is a good chance that you are running away from your own problems.
Work at Home Freelance
Beautiful Forever
Living With Food Related Diseases
What is True Love?
True love isn't what you feel when you first meet someone
True love isn't what is felt after people learn to become intimate
True love is not the emotions felt in the middle of passionate sex.
What is True Love?
Time and experience give people a better understanding of love. I've seen so many people marry, divorce, remarry, divorce. It almost seems like a mad cycle.
Those who stay together are not always the best off. Many of them are in passive-aggressive relationships where bitterness and anger fester for years.
There are real cases of true love, but they are hard for people to find. Not because they are rare, but because 'emotionally healthy people get together' and 'dysfunctional people feel most comfortable with other dysfunctional people.'
If you are not in a 'true love' relationship then it is probably because there are dysfunctional parts of your personality make 'emotionally healthy' people stay away from you. It is the same theory that makes everyone who likes to rebel/drink/have casual sex will all meet in the bar on Friday night.
You also remember that a couple in an emotionally healthy relationship do not need to leave their home to feel happy. They do not need to seek out a friend - they have one. So, they are not likely to be out 'looking' in the same places that you are.
What is True Love?
After the passion stage, and the affirmation, and the intimacy, comes the total acceptance of the other person and the commitment stage.
Unconditional Acceptance Stage of Marriage
This is the third stage of a healthy relationship. No unhealthy relationship, selfish person, or dysfunctional relationship will ever reach this level.
During the transition through each of the stages of a relationship the couple must confront and resolve issues in their own lives, their past, and their relationship. There is a certain level of risk taking and effort to resolve issues.
This stage is defined as the stage where the couple decides there are some things that are easier to accept than argue over, or change. They measure how valuable being in a committed relationship is to them, how much they value the other person's love, and whether they are willing to risk driving that person away.
This is the stage where each member starts to learn the other's love language and work to make the other person feel loved. It is the stage where they decide to make things work. We can never change another person. The solution to all problems start by changing our own outlook and expectations.
Fantasy is Replaced by Realistic Expectations
The couple now realize that most of their past relationship was nothing more than a rush, a fantasy. They start to work to make the relationship, love, and emotions 'real.'
The word emotion is a combination of the words 'feelings' and 'action.' When we turn our feelings into an action then we are on the road to true love. Will there be deep feelings if we take the journey? Yes. Will we regain the feelings we felt at the beginning of the relationship? Yes - deeper and stronger.
There is an element of forgiveness in this stage. People realize that their needs are being met. Self forgiveness in part of forgiving others. There is an element of peace that can only be achieved in a committed relationship.
Primal Instinct
Most people do not understand that there are 5 human instincts that must be met before we can have a higher self-esteem or be happy. To be truly happy a person must be in a committed relationship. We cannot find a short-cut to this stage. We cannot feel good about ourselves without coming to the point that we must acknowledge this truth.
Marriage: Surviving the Power Struggle
Power Struggle
Each partner in this stage starts to mold the other into their ideal mate. They want to regain what they've lost. This is a normal part of the romance process. Many couples bicker and fight in this stage. This is also the stage where the abuse starts. This may also become the part where the 'cold war' starts.
This stage does the exact opposite of what the couple wants. Instead of regaining what was lost, the couple shows each other exactly who they really are. Two things will happen.
Couple A will work through this. They will compromise and help fulfill the other's needs.
Couple B will become more aggressive. They may do things to hurt the other person. They may feel betrayed. They will fight back. They may continue this stage for the rest of their marriage, or they may divorce.
The weapon of choice is not always words and anger. This couple may use guilt, blame, and emotional abuse to control the other person.
Couple C enters into a passive aggressive state where they pretend that everything is okay. The anger is burried, the pain and suffering remains.
Moving On
The feelings experienced in the earlier relationship can be regained, but only by moving forward to unconditional acceptance and committment. Let go of your demands and accept the other person as they are. After all, they were your soul mate, the one and only, the true love of your life.
It’s a normal growth phaze to fall out of romantic and passionate love and to endure conflict. Conflict and growth are healthy parts of a relationship. Without conflict, we do not grow as people. Seeing the world through another person's eyes, their Point Of View, helps us see our own faults, grow as a person, and builds understanding.
Many people decide they made a mistake and divorce. The important thing to remember is that your next 'soul mate' will be just like this person. You will find the same type of person to be your soul mate. There will be the same falling out. The same conflict.
Quitting in a relationship should only be considered a 'good thing' if the other person becomes abusive, or feel they have the right to punish people who don't give them their own way.
What is Love?
Love is a pattern of relationship that is designed to bring people closer together.
Stage One: Attraction
They say that we are attracted to other people by pheromones - their scent. This arouses in us feelings of passion and excitement. We often overlook this person's faults because we are 'so in love' with them.
Logical thinking and cognitive reasoning fades as we make statements like:
They are perfect
They meet all my needs
We are soul mates
He is the one
We were born to be together
We are perfect together
This grows as we date. We can date for a long time because the pheromones are not with us 24/7 so we receive a fresh rush every time they enter our lives.
Stage Two: Romance - Romance/Passion
This can be different for different couples.
Couple A may 'out date' the rush and see the person for what they are and then just drift away.
Couple B may not 'out grow' the rush, but may see the cost of a relationship as 'too high' at this time in their life.
Couple C gets married. They are now together all the time. Many people wake up the morning after wondering what they did. The 'shock' of realizing they are married to a normal person is too much for their system. There are faucets that need fixing - and don't get fixed. Dishes that need to be done and don't get done because of work problems.
What ever transpires after the first few months, the 'rush' fades. Many people feel that they are falling out of love. This is not true. What is 'really' happening is that your body is growing accustomed to their pheromones, so you no longer get a rush.
Stage Three: Romance/Passion - Passion/Intimacy
We start to build a relationship. Most of us find this a little difficult. If we are mature then we will stay in the relationship. After all, we know that there is nothing better out there - and we have developed deep feelings for this person.
Those who have not grown up want to leave. They only wanted to be in the marriage for the rush. They never wanted to be a 'real' husband/wife.
To continue in a relationship we need to learn that love without action will die. Millions of people came together through arranged marriages. Many of these people learned how to fall in love.
The people will need to put some effort into the relationship. They will need to say 'I love you' and do nice things that makes the other feel better. (the truth about love: Your ability to feel love is directly related to your ability to give it. If you do nothing in the day to make others feel loved, then you will not be able to feel love.)
There are 5 stages of love:
Today many relationships go through the first three stages within a year or two, whether married or not. They often feel they've fallen 'out of love' before they reach level 4 or 5
The good news - if you push through then you'll not only reach commitment, but those who do hit the end learn that the cycle never stops. The couple will return to level one and continue through until the day they stop working at their relationship. At this time, everything just fades and dies. The couple becomes a stranger.
Not all relationships will grow. There are three types of people and romance:
Selfish Romance - this occurs when a person acts romantic for the purpose of gaining something -- like gifts, self-gratification, sex, help paying bills or with house work, or someone to talk to. This in itself is not a bad thing, the five languages of love are:
- Words of Affirmation - talking, saying nice things to each other, compliments, sweet talking, romantic poems.
- Quality Time - this type of person wants long walks, romantic dinners, theater nights, and snuggling infront of a fire/movie.
- Gifts - if this is true, then it doesn't matter whether the gift is a rose wrapped in a lace bow, or a card with a little surprise in it. If the gift is not true, then the person will measure the gift's value by its price tag.
- Acts of Service - there are some people who don't want diamonds or poetry. They will feel loved if you take out the garbage, help them with dishes, or help them get a project done.
- Physical touch - this person may think they have it easy, but it is hard for these people. The need to be touched, stroked - more than sex.
(b) Selfless Romance - when someone understands the love languages and cares about the other person they act romantic for the sheer pleasure and enjoyment of their partner. You receive enjoyment and pleasure through others happiness.
The following three stages are more difficult to define so I broke them in to the next few articles.
Stage Three: intimacy
Stage Four: Passion
Stage Five: Committment
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Codependent Relationships
Most of us whove survived a first marriage become familiar with the term sooner or later. Some of us make sure we don't repeat the pattern. Others leave one bad relationship and land in another.
The problem stems from society's believe that people should get together because of passion and lust, not friendship and trust. This makes women vulnerable to predators. Our upbringing make us more suseptable.
Remember the 'love at first sight?' A classic 'red flag' for a codependent preditor.
Remember the romance stories where a couple's eyes meet across a room? Or, worse yet, the man who showed no affection but the woman fawned over him because he was 'so' strong and dominant.
More on codependency
Women become trapped because the man really does love them, in a perverted way. In truth, he needs them to fulfill his abusive/controlling ideals of a relationship. The woman sees this as love. This traps her. She sees her strong man as having a weakness that he can't control. He appears to be remorseful that he hurts her. She doesn't know how to handle the situation.
I've seen women become pregnant thinking this will make him happy. Instead it gives him more control over her.
In classic cases he always moves them into rural areas where they are isolated, cannot escape, cannot get help.
I've even talked with women where were planning plastic surgery to please their codependent men.
What are the symptoms?
- controlling behavior patterns
- distrust and blaming the person for lying and sneaking around
- perfectionism as in the dominant person is perfect and the submissive person is incompetent and totally unable to do anything right
- avoidance of feelings - all affection is one way.
- intimacy problems - may even include vaginal ejaculation disorder
- caretaking behavior, possessive, controls the money, controls daily routines, controls friends, controls leaving the house
- hypervigilance (a heightened awareness for potential threat/danger)
- physical illness related to stress
- chemical dependancy
- unexplained illness
- feeling sick to your stomach when it is time for the dominant person to arrive home.
How to Tell if you are in a codependent relationship:
- Don’t rock the boat. It’s not okay to talk about problems. The family pretends things do not happen. We don't talk about the past, even if the past was the day before, the person who talks betrays the family and ruins things.
- Feelings should not be expressed openly; keep feelings to yourself, the dominant person doesn't great the family. They walk in the home environment and then check to make sure everything has been done right - or they totally ignore the family.
- Communication is indirect; one person acts as messenger between two others, known in therapy as triangulation; One person makes all the rules; One person makes decisions like when it is time to get pregnant, when it is time to move, if the other person can take courses, join a group, etc.,
- Do as I say not as I do. Submissive people strong, good, right, perfect - The dominant breaks all the rules but acts like everyone else is too stupid to know what they are doing
- Make us proud beyond realistic expectations
- Don’t be selfish
- Sexual satisfaction is focused on the dominant. The submsissive must enjoy it and act pleased, despite their physical reaction. This can lead to further dysfunctions.
- It’s not okay to play or be playful. If someone tries to be happy or play, the dominant might play too, but only to show the rest of the family that play leads to being hurt or punished.
- More signs of codependancy
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Consequences of Over Sleeping
A Canadian study, published today in the medical journal Sleep, tested 276 adults between 21 and 64 years of age. They tested short and long duration sleepers. They found that 35 per cent and 25 per cent are more likely to gain 5kg (11lb) compared with average duration sleepers who maintained 7 hours sleep.
Short sleepers gained 1.98kg (4.3lb) while long sleepers gained 1.58kg (3.4lb).
The risk of developing obesity increases more than 27 percent for over sleepers.
Previous research suggested that sleep loss could disturb the production of hormones that control the desire for calorie rich foods. The level of ghrelin, the hormone released by the stomach to signal hunger, was 15 per cent higher in people who sleep five hours compared to those getting eight hours.
Lack of sleep leads to tiredness during the day, which reduces the level of physical activity.
The alarming statistics are for those who lack sleep. People who sleep five or fewer face a 70 per cent risk of dying from all causes - and twice the risk of death from a cardiovascular disease.
Professor Jim Horne, director of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University, said those whose sleeping habits exceed seven hours, or who regularly get less, should not despair. They are not at risk.
"There is a great deal of evidence now that sleeping less than five hours a night is linked with putting on weight," he said, "but it's a very slow weight gain over a number of years."
So, enjoy a full night’s sleep.
Over Sleeping Can Cause Weight Gain
A Canadian study, published today in the medical journal Sleep, tested 276 adults between 21 and 64 years of age. They tested short and long duration sleepers. They found that 35 per cent and 25 per cent are more likely to gain 5kg (11lb) compared with average duration sleepers who maintained 7 hours sleep.
Short sleepers gained 1.98kg (4.3lb) while long sleepers gained 1.58kg (3.4lb).
The risk of developing obesity increases more than 27 percent for over sleepers.
Previous research suggested that sleep loss could disturb the production of hormones that control the desire for calorie rich foods. The level of ghrelin, the hormone released by the stomach to signal hunger, was 15 per cent higher in people who sleep five hours compared to those getting eight hours.
Lack of sleep leads to tiredness during the day, which reduces the level of physical activity.
The alarming statistics are for those who lack sleep. People who sleep five or fewer face a 70 per cent risk of dying from all causes - and twice the risk of death from a cardiovascular disease.
Professor Jim Horne, director of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University, said those whose sleeping habits exceed seven hours, or who regularly get less, should not despair. They are not at risk.
"There is a great deal of evidence now that sleeping less than five hours a night is linked with putting on weight," he said, "but it's a very slow weight gain over a number of years."
So, enjoy a full night’s sleep.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Should You Ignore Symptoms?
The body has one method of telling us that something is wrong – it creates symptoms. In many cases, we take medicines that stop our bodies from giving us the message that something is wrong, or cleaning out the offending virus or toxin.
A runny nose, itching skin, sensitivity, weak nails can all signal toxins and a digestive symptom breakdown that can lead to disease.
Weight gain, acne and thinning hair, which are all common symptoms of Glucose allergies. Women may suffer from lack of libido, a deep voice, low mood - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS which can be controlled by reducing Glucose in our food.
Chewing ice, or a craving for ice, may signal the need for calcium.
Binging may signal the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
The point is, you should pay attention to things that change in your body and health. They could be symptoms that something is wrong with your system. Pay attention. Don’t listen to people who say ‘don’t worry.’ Instead, research the symptoms and try to find what is the problem.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Natural Face Mask
Why not make your own?
You will need:
½ cup hot water but not poiling
1/3 cup quick oatmeal or instant
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
2 tablespoons honey
1 egg white
Mix water and oatmeal and then put aside to thicken into a paste. Mix the other ingredients in an electric mixer.
Add oatmeal paste and mix until blended and smooth.
Leave on for 15 - 20 minutes. Do not wait until mask hardens.
This mixture can be stored in the refridgerator for one week. This mask is an excellent exfoliator, but is gentler than comercial masks.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
What is Soap?
How Does Soap Work
Soap helps remove dead skin. Believe it or not, the skin is the body's largest organ, responsible for removing toxins and waste from the body.
Soap is made to remove the dead skin from the top layer of skin - the epidermis - and the microbes that eat them. Soap should be used with a brush to help perform this task.
A toner will close the pores and prevent them from being clogged with dead skin and pollutants in the air.
A good soap will do both. The soap does not need to lather to do this. There are different types of soap. A good soap is made from oils and fatty acid. The oils are mixed with alkali to form glycerin and the salt of the fatty acid.
The surfactants (surface-active agents) in soaps remove grease and dirt because Surfactants have a molecular structure that acts as a link between water and the dirt particles. So the soap actually works like a magnet, or glue, that picks up the dirt and adheres it to the water which then drains away.
A good soap may contain a toner or astringent to tighten the pores, but adding moisturizers, perfume, colors, and scents may actually work against the process by being deposited on the skin and clogging the newly cleaned pores.
Soaps work because of the structure of water. Water molecules contain 2 hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom trapped between them. This makes the water molecule polar with a positive charge at one end and a negative at the other.
Ad an ionic compound like sodium chloride and the positive and negative parts of water are attracted to the positive ions and negative ions. This is what makes soap water soluble. The solubility of the soap depends on the strength of the attraction.
In this way, the fat in our skin, and on our skin are water soluble, making it easy for them to wash away. The epidermis needs a non-polar material that can be dissolved, moved, and then restored to its non-polar state, like a lipid, or triglyceride.
A lipid is made from two parts fatty acid, and an alcohol called glycerine. Both the fat and glycerine are water soluble.
Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, like l lard and butter. Unsaturated fats are liquids at room temperature like safflower oil. While the unsaturated fat is healthier, liquid soap is not easy to handle.
Cleansing and astringent herbs may be added to the mix, to improve the scent and cleansing ability of the soap. When the soap dissolves, dirt and pollutants are trapped, and sloughed away with the water.
The question is "Does a healthy organ (like skin) look healhier than a damanged organ?" The answer is yes. Using a good soap should help keep your skin looking healthier, longer.
Medical Science Is Making Cancer Breakthroughs
It is amazing, how many new discoveries are found for today's diseases. I write a lot about prevention, but cures give hope. They are our future, the secret to long life, and a better life style.
A new test analyzes some mysterious cancers and may provide a short-cut for treating them. Israel-based Rosetta Genomics (ROSG.O: Quote, Profile, Research) said its test, uses microRNAs, a genetic material that regulates genes that are involved in cancer.
Most cancers are named for the place they first develop:breast, lung cancer, or colon cancer. Even if they cancers spread, they are still identified by their primary origin.
"But there is a group of patients who have tumors that appear in a metastatic site which, with the best imaging, you can't find a primary tumor," said Dr. Martin Raber of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
"It either acquired the ability to metastasize so early in development that primary didn't develop. Or the primary never existed," added Raber, who specializes in such cancers and who was not involved in the research.
Identifying the primary origin is the key to treating cancer , said Raber.
"Today we have specific chemotherapies. We have therapies for colon cancer that don't seem to work in other settings," Raber said in a telephone interview. "You can no longer design one regimen that captures all tumors."
"This research demonstrates the tremendous potential of microRNAs as effective biomarkers, and is a significant step towards the development of the first microRNA-based diagnostic tests," said Amir Avniel, president of Rosetta Genomics.
Raber, said eventually such tests will become more refined.
"At the end of the day as a doctor I don't really care if my unknown primary tumor patient had breast cancer, colon cancer or lung cancer," he said.
"All I really care about is what treatment will my patient respond to. Some day we will have gene panels that predict responsiveness to taxanes or ... Erbitux or responsiveness to Avastin," he added. REUTERS
Friday, March 21, 2008
Colon Cleansing the Natural & Holistic Way
This is a cross post from my blog www.healthafter40.blogspot.com This health blog is my most active, and ranks high among the blogging sites. I will be posting a daily journal there of my colon cleansing. I will not be posting the journal here - but in www.healthafter40.blogspot.com so you must go there to comment or follow my progress.
My husband and I plan to start a colon cleansing program on April one. I will use natural foods and am aiming at 'cleaning out' the dangerous mucus build ups, not just restore my body's ability to create stools.
Feel Free to subscribe to follow this program. I am not going to become 'gross' or descriptive about my program, but I will tell you what I eat, the results, and how I feel.
I plan to do a full 7 day cleansing. At the end, you will have a basic understanding of the colon cleansing process. I will be posting articles within the next week to explain what I plan to do, and why.
The program will actually start a couple days early when I 'prepare' my body. Colon cleansing requires 'shocking' the body - but not making it ill.
USA Today, "Most people who eat the standard American 'goo and glue' diet have about 5-10 pounds of matter stored in the colon."
I will include fennel seed, flax seed, Psyllium but not senna. I will increase the fruits I eat, including (and most important) increasing the orange juice and adding rhubarb to my diet.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
A Car Accident Down the Road
I'm starting to notice the effects of being stuck in the house all winter. I had a rude awakening this morning. I woke to the news report of a three car accident in my town. I guess this isn't news for many of my readers, but in a small town of less than 300, where horse and buggy out numbers cars, it is quite a shock.
The main road is closed - one car is still on fire at this moment. Emergency vehicles are racing back and forth. The radio ominously announced that there is at least one fatality.
Sometimes I just forget that life is precious. In our hectic daily routines we rarely stop to remember this. Life seems to be an indefinite, even at our age, then something happens to wake us up to the fact that we need to slow down and enjoy every day.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sabotaging Happiness
I recently read an article at a favorite website. The article was called 7 Signs That You're Living in Denial.
I'm Never at Fault: Others are always at fault, aren't they? You keep doing everything right and they just ruin things for you, do they? Sorry to have to say this, but not assuming responsibility is one of the most obvious signs that you are living in denial.
Everything Has an Excuse: "I'm not going to do this because..." "I would have done that, if not for..." Do you somehow manage to find excuses for everything? Good for you, maybe you will find someone who pays you for that, but for the time being, your attitude is yet another sign that you are simply living in a fantasy world.
Everyone Else is Wrong: Are all of the people who don't agree with you clueless? Are they that ignorant, can't they understand your brilliance? I'm sorry but, if that's the way you see things, I am afraid that the problem lies elsewhere. One tip: it's not with everyone else.
It's All One Big Conspiracy I Tell You: Does it seem that everyone and their dog is working against you? Are you just a poor innocent victim in what seems to be one huge conspiracy against you? In that case, have you considered getting some help? No, everyone is not conspiring against you, and it's about time you stopped living in denial and started seeing how things actually stand. You can read the rest of the denial problems by clicking here.
This problem is also called 'ego personality disorder' and it ruins lives. The good news is that it can be managed and overcome. Many people with this disorder see it as their protection. Their self esteem is so low that they must overcompensate to protect themselves. But, step one to freedom is learning that you are the same person whether you live in a fantasy world or the real world. Loosing the EPD will only bring good things for you - like friends.
Work at Home Freelance
In Celebration of Older Women
Beautiful Forever
Living With Food Related Diseases
Living With Food Related Diseases
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wait!! Before Colon Cleansing
Read this before buying any colon cleansing products. There are several natural products that can work - without making you resort to eating grass.
Drink Water
Yes, water is the world's best solvent and purifyer. Drinking plenty of water can clean the oclon, reduce toxic levels in your body, and keep your skin looking younger. Many of the lexictives that pose as colon cleanswers are nothing more than a platform that requires an increased water intake, making me wonder whether it is the water or the laxitive that cleanses the colon.
My husband has been on this colon cleansing kick lately, mainly becuase of the number of tele-mercials offering a quick 'tasteless' cure. I've read a bunch of reviews on many of them and found some truths.
'you can loose 15lb.' This is true, because that is how much most people have in theri bowels according to the experts. So, taking any laxitive will result in a 15lb loss - for a day or two.
'extend your life.' This is true - anything that removes toxins from your body will prevent disease and extend life.
Natural Soaps
Most people do not realize that the skin is the body's largest organ. The more sprays, perfumes, and powders we put on our skin - the harder it must work to clean our body. This includes cleaning our body with fancy soaps.
Yes, we are washing off the dirt, but we are also covering our ephidermous with a layer of gunk that smells good and makes it difficult for our skin to perform its job - cleaning toxins from our body.
Scrubbing the body while bathing is one way to get rid of skin and dirt that clog the pours and improve its ability to keep us healthy.
The Lymph - Skin Brushing
Skin brushing is an excellent method of cleansing the lymphatic system. Uf this is not working well, then no amount of colon cleansing will be effective.
Waste material is carried from the cells by both blood and lymph. Skin brushing stimulates the release of toxins with their carrier cells, primarily lymphocytes, that will find their way to the colon.
A sedentary lifestyle, with the common use of anti-perspirant, keep people from perspiring enough. Toxins and metabolic waste are not released through sweat, but back up into the body and eventually, the colon. Skin brushing opens up the pores, allowing the body to breathe and thus enhances proper functioning of the organs.
Continued in Future Articles
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Living With Food Related Diseases
The Fountain of Youth
I remember wondering about the stories of the fountain of youth when I was very young. I didn't understand why people wanted to be young. I am still not sure. I don't really want to be younger. Looking younger, yes, but actually being younger. I want to feel younger. Of course, I might think differently when I am another 20 years older.
I was surprised to learn that pure water is the fountain of youth. It amazed me that people knew - hundreds of years ago, that youth and water were symbiotic. You cannot have youthful looking skin, and feel younger, unless you drink lots of pure water. In fact, if you don't drink at least 2 bottles of water a day, then you can do all the health diets and beauty regimes you want - they won't produce the desired effects.
I have started to see beauty in older people. I have always seen older men as more attractive than younger men - that is just a personal preference. I'm now appreciating the look of an older woman. There is something in her eyes that is a challenge. I now see men that want a younger women as weak - unable to meet the challenge.
Of course, many older women come with baggage. A lot of us never reach our 'mids' without being emotionally damaged. That is a sad fact, but the truth is, we can overcome anything if we choose. I for one do not want to let my ex husband's selfishness ruin my chances of being happy. He made his choices. I choose to let go.
Cleansing the mind and body has long been a part of the holistic health platform. I use to scoff at it. Holistic health was just a money grab, but now I am taking a second look. Maybe they knew more about youth a few centuries ago than we know now.
Work at Home Freelance
In Celebration of Older Women
Beautiful Forever
Living With Food Related Diseases
Living With Food Related Diseases
Monday, March 10, 2008
How Do You Celebrate Life?
Post comments to tell everyone how you celebrate your life. What little things do you do to make life better - to make people feel loved - and to make yourself happy. Celebrations of life are easy to make a part of your life.
We celebrate by having a family night. We get together and have a few laughs as a family.
Another thing we will do is just stop life mid stride and go out for hot chocolate and pastries or donuts.
Sometimes we just have a group hug. Anything it takes to get through the day and feel loved and happy.
Work at Home Freelance
In Celebration of Older Women
Beautiful Forever
Living With Food Related Diseases
Living With Food Related Diseases
Why Celebrate?
I learned a lot about life, love, and happiness between the time my first husband divorced me because he was 'tired' of having a family and when I met my second husband who was still reeling from the fact that his wife left him.
Not enough - as I didn't realize that I should have let my second husband resolve his issues 'before' we married. But then - live and learn. I am just happy that I never made the mistake 99% of divorcees make...remarrying the same type of person who you divorced to prove it 'wasn't your fault' or that you can 'get it right' this time.
The one thing I learned that has improved my life, lifestyle, and life choices is that life is a celebration. You only get one chance. I was only 30 once. I will never get to live my life over again. But, I am only 44, which means technically, I do.
Think about it. At 44 years old I can relive every moment of my life again. I can redo everything I've done up to now. In essence, I have a second chance. That in itself is something worth celebrating.
Every day that I have to live is worth a celebration. Next time something happens stop for a few minutes and celebrate.
Work at Home Freelance
In Celebration of Older Women
Beautiful Forever
Living With Food Related Diseases
Living With Food Related Diseases
Saturday, March 8, 2008
A Glimpse into Beauitufl
I've been asking my friends what beauty is. Mirella Patzer writes wonderful historical romance novels. Her novels do not focus on the body parts, but on the true beauty of the characters.
"True beauty is comprised of many factors beyond physical appearance. Charm, wisdom, and love combine to make a person truly beautiful inside and out. Helen Keller summed it up best. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched, but are felt in the heart." www.mirellapatzer.com
Monday, March 3, 2008
Overcoming Aggression
You can be happy within a week. No matter what you lived through. No matter what caused your aggression. It doesn't matter whether your anger is justified. If you are willing to be happy, you can overcome decades of self-loathing, hate, and anger.
It is easy - just let go. If you want to study Ego Personality Disorder (or Narcissism - Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Both of these involve creating a negative situation which only 'you' can solve. The purpose is to set you above everyone in your world, so that you feel better about who you are. And - God Help Them - if they don't play the game right.
The important thing to remember is that letting go takes a week. It involves accepting the fact that you are just like everyone in your family. It also involves everyone else deciding that it is time to stop the game.
Dealing with Aggression
Copyright © 2005 David Ferruolo
Sometimes life can be very confusing. We strive to walk a spiritual path, being accepting and forgiving. We smile and send blessings unselfishly to all that cross our path. We meditate and pray, but how do we deal with negative people when their wrath is directed at us?
We are all still human, and we have feelings, and yes, egos. When aggressive, angry people confront us, it is sometimes hard to keep that ego in check. Dealing with someone who is acting out of fear and insecurity can also be very tough. How do we gently thwart an abusive aggressor and still hold true to our beliefs and spirituality? It is a hard road, but I can offer some basic suggestion, which have helped my tremendously over the years.
· Let spirit guide you. Always trust your higher self to guide you to the correct course of action. Listen to your inner voice and discern what your emotions are telling you. Separate ego thoughts of retaliation and defense from those loving, caring emotions of your soul. Remember the ego will always defend by attacking or withdrawing, so we must know and curb our ego and settle into our spiritual higher selves. When we think and act out of love, we will always pick the correct actions.
· Try to See and agree with their point. We sometimes can understand the motives behind peoples actions if we give thought to their situation. Remember there is no right or wrong, there is only different points of view and opinion. So seek to see the other side of the disagreement. If you know the abuse towards you is unwarranted, and you cannot see the truth or motivation behind the situation, just calmly listen to what they have to say. You don’t have to agree with them, but do strive to know why they are acting the way they are. Listen intently to what they are saying. You can rebut with something like; “I understand that you are felling a certain way, and that I perhaps did something to provoke these feeling, but I did not intend to cause this situation. That was not my intention and I apologize. I hope that you feel better soon, and if there is something I can do to help, please let me know” Simple as that.
· Let them speak, and be truly interested in what they say. The ego is a simple thing to understand. Give it your undivided attention, and it is happy. If you are sincere when listening to others, it satisfies the basic need of attention and they will be less aggressive (most of the time, anyway). Like I said before, sometimes people just want to be heard and noticed. So listen and let them know you see them and are truly interested in their plight, even if the problem is with you. When responding, always use their name in the sentence. This makes them feel important, and may lessen their anger even more. Responses like. “Lisa, I understand what you are saying.” Or maybe; “I can see where you are coming from, Lisa.” And remember eye contact! Nothing says you are interested in what someone says more than direct eye contact.
· Accept responsibility for your actions. If you actually did do something to create the problem, and the complaint is legitimate, take responsibility for your actions. Apologize. Offer reciprocity or ask them if you can do anything to make them feel better. Most of the time, people just want to be heard and apologized to.
· Do not accept their gift of anger—keep your cool. One of my favorite Buddha stories goes like this: One day a disciple came to the Enlightened One. This student was angry and confronted the Buddha. The Buddha sat quietly in meditation while his student raved on. Finally, the student asked the Buddha if he could hear him and way was he not reacting with anger? The Buddha opened his eyes and politely said; “If I do not accept your gift of anger, does it not still make it your own?” By keeping your cool and acting calmly during an angry confrontation, you will not give fuel to the fire. It takes two to tango, so if you do not armor up, the potential confrontation is merely one person venting. When in this situation, remember the other points in this article.
· Defuse their anger... by apologizing and letting them know that you understand that your actions led them to this stress. If someone is about to push you, you can either back away or confront their advances. Confronting their advances only deepens the well of discord and creates a fight, but by intelligently backing off, their aggression is immediately defused. By removing the motivation for their advance, you can defuse the situation before it gets out of hand. When you feel your anger rising in defense of your ego, immediately take a deep breath and find your center. Know that the anger and negativity within your attacker is only a reflection of what is inside of them, and not inside you. You are not the negative things this person says about you. This only makes your abuser a person that needs to be negative out of insecurity and inner fears. Forgive them, for they know not what they do or how to act in accordance with universal law.
· Knowledge is power. Know they really feel they have a reason for their negativity and aggression, but they do not know how to maturely convey the message to you. Thank them for letting you know how they feel. Let them know you appreciate them having the courage to let this matter out. Respond accordingly, but always reply out of love and respect and not retaliation, protection and fear.
The things people say may hurt our feeling, but as spiritual beings we can choose our actions to these negative situations and let it go. Your ego may want to let the person know they hurt you, but this is not the time. After the situation has been defused, you will have the chance at a later date to speak your truth. If the person is someone you wish not to speak with, a letter written from a place of love and compassion is a great tool to honor what you believe.
As we walk a spiritual path, we are not immune from the negativity of the world, but we can choose to act in accordance with spiritual law. We will always be uplifted when we choose the right action and not retaliate in defense of our egos. The Bible says the meek will inherit the earth. A Course in Miracles expands that thought by saying that the meek will take over the earth with their passive inner strength. So remember these words and the above suggestions the next time you are confronted with aggression and anger. Be passive—take the high road, and let your spirit and inner strength rule the situation.
Dave Ferruolo is the Author of “Connecting with the Bliss of Life: Powerful Lessons for Living a Peaceful and Happy Life.” He is a former Navy SEAL an inspirational and motivational speaker, success coach, consultant and spiritual counselor. http://www.daveferruolo.com
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In Celebration of Older Women
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Living With Food Related Diseases
Awaken the Real You
Spiritual Awakening is not all hype and mental exercise. Many people become confused between the terms Spiritual Awakening, or spiritualism, religion, and paranormal events. A spiritual awakening is an enlightenment, it is freeing your mind to the possibilities and opportunities that await everyone.
Your life doesn't need to be limited to meeting the demands of what others want from you. Your life belongs to you alone. Success - is a spiritual thing. Love - is a spiritual thing. Freedom - is a spiritual thing. You will never explore these unless you 'awaken' to the power inside you.
Awakening to the life that you are called to live!
Copyright © 2005 Awakenings Life Coaching by Kathryn Bonner
Living an Awakened Life Spiritually will trickle over into all areas of your life and create a fulfilling life. You were meant to have an abundant life, one of fulfillment and beauty and grace.
As a Spiritual Awakening Life Coach, my goal for you is not just to discover who you are to be, but more importantly how you are to be in this life. How you are to be in every moment of this glorious life that our amazing Creator has for you. Are you loving fully, are you living fully? Are you fully giving, are you fully receiving? Do you understand what that means? Success is truly in those accomplishments that you find your fulfillment and purpose. That is how you find your purpose. Your purpose is to give and be love!
In my continual journey of discovery I have established that each person who has ever recalled when life had genuine significance or when they felt their greatest it was when they were serving, and giving the finest of themselves. They received pure joy from it and so did the individual they were serving.
Maybe you are beginning to evolve to a higher echelon of thinking regarding what you believe success is. Maybe it is more than it used to be. It may be that you are realizing that success is the Awakening of your spirit, the Awakening of your soul. Truly being blissful and joyful in your own presence and in the presence of others is authentic living at its best! When you finally understand what it is to live a fully Awakened life abundance and the joy are a natural result. You shift in an awareness of the fact that you are participating in life the way you were created to. Your function now becomes to continue to be Awakened and to minister to or assist in the Awakening of others. This is your calling, your purpose.
You are aware of the Holy Spirit that is alive and well within you. You allow for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to be your complete guide in this life. As you allow the Holy Spirit to take charge of your whole life you begin to experience what’s called the “Fruit of the Spirit” and you are no longer struggling to become, but now experience the as an innate or natural way of being for you.
This is remarkable when you no longer have to strive to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kinder, generous, faithful, gentler, and have self-control (those are the fruits of the spirit).
Galatians 5:25 reads, “If we live by Spirit, walk we by Spirit…” I love this passage! This says it all! This is what I am called to do; this is what we are all called to do! What does this mean to you? I would in courage you to break this down further. What does “If we live by Spirit” mean to you? Then what does it mean when is says, “Walk we by Spirit”?... break this down, write it out, meditate on it day and night for how ever long it takes you to begin to have it be in you, be of you and be you. What amazing transformation will take place in you! It truly is amazing.
With that said, I must clarify something of utmost importance… you cannot make this happen; only Spirit, once you become a willing vessel. Once you choose to live by the Spirit then it becomes a innate outpouring of the Spirit. Continue to pray and meditate on this and read the scriptures for more illumination and wisdom. I am obliged to share with you that this is a conscience choice. Today I was able to recognize that I was “void” of this when I went to the bank to deposit a check that was rightfully mine, but it was made out incorrectly. The bank clerk was correct in not allowing me to do so, but my “true beautiful spirit” the spirit in which I choose to live by left! Not for long, but it did leave!
Living and Walking by Spirit is crucial to me being who I was shaped, fashioned, and created to be, when I am out of step with Spirit, I am out of touch with love and patience, and kindness and all of the other fruits of the Spirit. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit”— There are various ways to live our lives in this world – some of them destructive and others life-giving. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control – these are the things that identify us as Awakened, and living by the Spirit and being guided by the Spirit… – these are the fruits of the Spirit I want for myself – the fruits of the spirit I want for all of us!
Here's to living an Awakened Life in the new year!! Begin the Awakening of your Spirit, manifesting beautiful transformation, much like the process of becoming a beautiful butterfly! Here's to your journey and the Awakening of your heart and the soul of the beautiful you!
AwakeningsLifeCoaching@cox.net or call me at 512-260-7775. Please take a look at my website at http://www.AwakeningsLifeCoaching.com Thank you for reading! I wish you all a breathtaking and joyous journey! Here’s to the journey! Kathryn
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In Celebration of Older Women
Beautiful Forever
Living With Food Related Diseases
Living With Food Related Diseases
Can Green Tea Help You Live Longer?
Green tea has been called the elixir of life. It has many untapped benefits, much like garlic. We know that it heals, restores, and boosts the body's ability ot protect and heal itself. We also know that it works better than some of today's medical discoveries.
Every year doctors learn more about the healing abilities found in nature's drugs. We learn that many of them cannot harm us, but it is important to learn that others can.
Green tea is one of those that cannot harm us. You cannot drink too much green tea - so enjoy.
Green Tea Health Benefits
For many centuries people of China used green tea for treating various diseases. However with the advancement of time, today people of west use green tea, realizing its several benefits. Green Tea has long been esteemed in China for its involvement to good health. Fame of Green tea in the United States persists to develop, viewing that green tea is an innate foundation of antioxidants. These antioxidants aid defend the body from accelerating aging and augmented danger of ailments. Years of research reveal that green tea restrains the expansion of objectionable cell colonies, thus building it the healthiest tea obtainable.
Let us take a look at the benefits of green tea:
Green tea has many health benefits, and it can be used for avoidance of the diseases: Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, High Cholesterol, Cardiovascular Disease, cataracts, Infection, and Impaired Immune Function.
Green tea helps in weight loss course. The green tea leaves augments metabolism in the body there fore consumption green tea helps you burn more calories.
Green tea has the capability to fight bacteria and this can be counted as one of the chief benefits of green tea. This boosts your immune system thereby increasing the resistance power. It also helps kill bacteria that cause plaque and succeeding tooth decay. Green tea can help in fight food poisoning.
In addition, green tea can help lessening blood sugar level and cholesterol level in your blood.
Also green tea helps in getting rid of bad breath. Some element is present in green tea that stunts the growth of bad odor causing bacteria. Therefore a cup or two of green regularly can help in maintaining fresh breath.
If you are a chain smoker and also you consume around six cups of green tea a day then the propensity of risk caused due to the toxins emitted by cigarette smoke is reduced to a great extent.
Green Tea also contributes to maintain your beauty. With the help of green tea you can freshen up your face and apply around your tired eyes to get soothing feeling. If you have freckles or blemishes on your face you can apply the green tea to get rid of the spots. The green tea also has benefits for antiseptic purposes. It can be used to treat minor cuts, rashes and also can be treated to cure sunburn.
Green Tea is organically grown and the customary drying method used with Green Tea prevents the tea from the harmful effects of fermentation.
Products of green tea are available in different strength levels. Some supplements are comprised of low strengths of the active polyphones, whereas others go as far as using un-standardized green tea leaf powder.
It has been confirmed that green tea is stuffed with health benefits. It acts as a influential antioxidant, which has been identified to assist prevent cancer, pull through from the harmful cholesterol, and guard against harm caused by free radicals.
It has been reported by National Cancer Institute that Green Tea has Cancer avoiding aptitudes and components for fighting against insert fresh life to the market. People who have depended on costly anti-oxidant products are finding that Green Tea is very cost-effective and organic. Tea is one of the foremost selling fresh drinks, only after water.
However you manage to incorporate green tea in your diet, as well as it on a standard basis will help you receive utmost results. Put in green tea to a vigorous, balanced diet and exercise schedule for general fitness.
Rich Marsiglia at YourHealthyPlace
Work at Home Freelance
In Celebration of Older Women
Beautiful Forever
Living With Food Related Diseases
Living With Food Related Diseases
Older Single Mothers
There is very little help for older single mothers. We are expected to have it all together. Everyone assumes that our successful husbands are paying us alimony and child support. In fact, I wish I had $1 for every time someone asked me why I was working. The truth is, my ex did not live up to his responsibility. And, in some cases, it is not 'safe' to take the ex to court.
I remember a show called Grace Under Fire, about a mother who was completely on her own with three children. She had no life, and no hope of a life. Everything she did revolved around paying bills and putting food on the table.
The important thing to remember is that you are not alone. There are groups on the Internet to find knowledge and support.
Working Wounded: Fatigue and the Working Mom
More and more women are entering the workforce and most of them are moms. Working Mothers are among the most vulnerable to stress and excessive fatigue created by trying to balance between work, family and social life. Stress and anxiety can cause working mom's to be tired and lacking in energy. There are a lot of things vying for her attention: co-workers, the boss, the kids, the husband, the best friend, dealing with their in-laws, her church activities, and even her bible study group friends. It's enough to make a mom feel so drowsy, lethargic or listlessness.
More than half of new moms in the U.S are working outside the home out of necessity. Another segment of the working mothers are those who are returning to work six to 12 weeks after giving birth. According to medical studies, women who come back to work after child birth may still exhibit symptoms of postpartum depression including muscle fatigue, discomfort, decreased sexual activity, and lower back pain.
1. Lack of sleep- either overworked or you are not really sleeping well from too much worrying
2. Inactivity-You're out of shape and its not true when you exercise too much. Engaging in moderate physical activity for half-hour most days of th week may give good moods, decrease stress, and gets you energized.
3. Not eating properly-not getting the right essential foods or drinking enough fluids it needs. Also try to limit your caffeine intake us this will only backfires, it will make it harder for you to rest and fall asleep.
4. Stress and anxiety-Too may task so little time. This will keep you on the edge and you won't be so relax.
5. Certain medications- like antihistamines and beta blockers, some pain relievers and other stimulants that can keep you up at night.
l Know how to delegate task
l Organize everything your schedule, your things, your activities
l Make sure you truly love your job, avoid workplace stress or any job related aggravation.
l Tame your inbox, get rid of unwanted mail
l Make a To -do-list
l Make used of your calendar, jot down the important events and stick to it
l Put labels to your things when you sort them out, filed or put into filing cabinets
l Stay active- a few minutes walking , or cycling will give you more stamina. But be moderate when you do some physical activities.
l Cultivate good sleeping habits-avoid reading, eating while watching in front of t.v. while in bed. Keep your bedding clean and comfortable, keep your room in a dark and quiet atmosphere. If possibles take naps every now and then.
If you are still feeling weary often and for a prolonged time. It is best to consult a qualified doctor so you can get proper diagnosis. Your fatigue could have medical causes such as:
l Depression- usually associated also for excessive fatigue and accompanied by some symptoms liked loss of appetite, sadness, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping among others.
l Cancer- A thorough checkup can tell if your fatigue can be a symptom of cancer.
l Sleep apnea- loud snoring is a sign of this disorder. This is a common source of fatigue because it interferes with your sleep.
l Chronic Fatigue syndrome-a disorder characterized by extreme fatigue even if there is bed rest.
l Anemia-blood disorder it affects your blood's ability to transport oxygen.
l Thyroid problems- a condition in which your thyroid gland fails to release enough thyroid hormone.
As a working mom, you must make some lifestyle changes or get the necessary treatment for your fatigue.
Work at Home Freelance
In Celebration of Older Women
Beautiful Forever
Living With Food Related Diseases
Living With Food Related Diseases
Saturday, February 23, 2008
TAI CHI Lowers Blood Pressure
I do not push TAI CHI for everyone. Some people need the 'burn' of aerobics and weight training to keep them motivated. But, TAI CHI has benefits that are not found in other health maintenance campaigns. The exercise is safe for people at all levels of fitness, at all stages of life, and in all age groups.
It is fairly easy to learn, and you cannot hurt yourself if you do it wrong. Consult your doctor if you are worried, or if you already have health problems. There is very little to learn. I learned enough to stay fit in less than two hours.
High Blood Pressure and Tai Chi Therapy
Way back in 2003, the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine’s Oct. 9th issue reported a study finding that Tai Chi “could decrease blood pressure and results in favorable lipid profile changes and improve subjects' anxiety status. Therefore, Tai Chi could be used as an alternative modality in treating patients with mild hypertension, with a promising economic effect.” This study laid out a way to save our society, perhaps billions of dollars annually, and possibly save some patients with mild chronic hypertension the potential negative side effects of chronic lifelong medication. However, this largely hasn’t occurred.
I caught a glimpse why when I was staying in the beautiful mountain town of Otavala, Ecuador, with a woman known for her knowledge of traditional Indian medicines. A tour of young American medical students stopped here to listen and learn from the Indian woman’s tour of her herbal gardens. As I followed them, I asked a group of young bright medical students if they were aware that Tai Chi was found to reduce high blood pressure. One lovely young woman replied, “Oh, yes, I’ve heard that, but I would never prescribe it.”
I asked why, and she responded that she couldn’t because she didn’t know if it would work. Although Tai Chi studies do show that Tai Chi indeed helps lower high blood pressure, it is true that it does not reduce it in every person. However, it is also true that every drug prescription does not work on every person either. I suggested to the young medical student that she consider that many times I’ve been to the doctor, and he’s pulled out a prescription pad and explained, “Let’s give this a try, and see how it works for you, and if it doesn’t do the job, we’ll try something else.” Most of us are familiar with this, and by the confused look on the student’s face, I’m assuming her memory banks were bringing up similar images.
So, why are our medical universities giving students the impression that they should not be prescribing Tai Chi, since we know it can help lower high blood pressure for many, who if it is successful with them, can enjoy a lifetime free of chronic and costly medications? And not only do that, but offer a plethora of GOOD SIDE EFFECTS including a stronger immune system and healthier respiratory system. This is a deep and important question we need to be asking as patients and consumers, and health professionals must begin asking this question regularly in order to fulfill the duties of their Hippocratic oath. For, today we have even a much better understanding of Tai Chi’s potential than we did a few years ago, so ignorance or inconclusive data is not an acceptable explanation from our medical universities that train our future doctors, without teaching them about Tai Chi research, and what it portends for their future patients.
Today, we are clearer on exactly why Tai Chi is such a powerful therapy for high blood pressure sufferers. In a March 17, 2005, article by the Mayo Clinic staff posted at mayoclinic.com they lay out what a “stress response” is, and the effects it has on the body. This is at the core of high blood pressure problems and the physical changes chronic stress responses illicite that creates or aggravates hypertensive conditions.
In their article, they explain that a stress response, or “fight or flight” reaction involves our pituitary gland releasing adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which sets a domino effect signaling other glands to produce additional hormones, such as adrenal glands which flood the blood stream with stress hormones, such as “cortisol” and “adrenaline.”
When ordinary life’s daily frustrations trigger this effect over and over again, the results can be damaging to the mind and body. Many of us experience this domino effect of triggers and hormones daily, which is why about 1/3 of Americans, or over 90 million Americans, suffer from high blood pressure.
Cutting edge scientists like Dr. Herbert Benson, President of the Mind/Body Institute at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, are discovering a stunning reality through their research. In a wonderful article by Jeanie Lerche Davis at WebMD Medical News entitled The Mysterious 'Medication' of Meditation (http://my.webmd.com/content/article/25/1728_
57992.htm), she writes of how such researchers are discovering that “meditation can indeed be medication – creating long lasting physiciolgical effects that reduce high blood pressure and even help unclog arteries to reverse heart disease.”
Dr. Benson, who is also associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, sought to prove how this effect could be shown objectively, and had five long-time meditation practitioners take MRI brain scans while meditating. Dr. Benson informed WebMD in the aforementioned article by Davis, "There was a striking quietude across the entire brain which was documented through MRI . . . The areas of the brain that became active from that quietude were those that control metabolism, heart rate, etc., . . . We knew meditation caused a relaxation response, but we couldn't prove it. We knew that if you thought in a certain way, with repetition, that physiologic changes would occur in the body. Here now is proof that mind, in the form of repetition, is affecting the brain, which affects the body . . . "
Stroke Magazine reported on a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, conducted by Dr. Amparo Castillo-Richmond, from the Maharishi University, more specifically on high blood pressure afflicting black people. The meditating group saw a reduction in the thickness of one of the arteries that supplied blood to the brain. Which indicates that blood flow is increasing. The group only using diet and exercise saw their artery walls getting thicker, which indicated that less blood was flowing through to the brain. This finding led Dr. Castillo-Richmond to make the profoundly exciting assertion, "It's possible to reverse heart disease through meditation."
In fact, not only hypertension, but up to 90% of other illnesses sending us to the doctor are being caused by stress, according to Dr. Herbert Benson. Which makes Dr. Benson’s and Dr. Castillo-Richmond’s findings that meditative techniques can so dramatically alter our stress producing “fight or flight” response in healthy ways even more wonderful.
Dr. Benson explains, that the relaxation response triggered by repetitive forms [like tai chi, yoga, etc.] can result in decreased metabolism, heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and also slower brain waves.” Benson asserts that it is the repetitive nature of acts like praying the rosary, yoga, or tai chi’s physical repetitive muscular actions that provides the profound hope for reducing anxiety, mild and moderate depression, anger and hostility, hypertension, cardiac irregularities, and all forms of pain, which are made worse by stress.
This concept of Tai Chi being an effective tool for reducing or even avoiding incidence of high blood pressure or other illnesses all together, is echoed elsewhere. Mayoclinic.com also recommends Tai Chi for relaxation training in an article entitled, “Relax: Techniques to help you achieve tranquility” which also explains why relaxation is important and what you might experience by practicing tools that will help you relax.
They detail how you can improve body responses to stress, such as: Slowing your heart rate; Reducing blood pressure; Slowing your breathing rate; Reducing the need for oxygen; Increasing blood flow to the major muscles; Lessening muscle tension.
They go on to explain that practicing relaxation techniques may help you experience: Fewer symptoms of illness, such as headaches, nausea, diarrhea and pain; Few emotional responses such as anger, crying, anxiety, apprehension and frustration; More energy; Improved concentration; Greater ability to handle problems; More efficiency in daily activities.
So, time and time again as we begin to examine one particular benefit of Tai Chi, such as lowering high blood pressure, we see a whole universe of potential opening up before us.
An article from Archives of Internal Medicine, as reported on NBC’s local WCAU Health (http://wcau-tvhealth.ip2m.com/index.cfm?pt=itemDetail&Item_ID=112735&Site_Cat_ID=77) explained a Tai Chi research program at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston revealed a great deal. The article authors wrote, "Overall, these studies reported that long-term Tai Chi practice had favorable effects on the promotion of balance control, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness and reduced the risk of falls in elders . . . Cardiovascular and respiratory function improvements were noted in healthy people and those who had undergone coronary artery bypass surgery as well as people with heart failure, hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, arthritis and multiple sclerosis . . . Benefit was also found for balance, strength, and flexibility in older subjects; falls in frail elderly subjects; and pain, stress and anxiety in healthy subjects.” They add the actual ways that Tai Chi provides these benefits are not well known.
The fact is that less than .5% of the National Institute of Health’s budget goes to research alternative therapies, leaving yoga, meditation, tai chi, massage, herbal therapy, aroma therapy, and the entire massive field of alternative health systems to struggle over .5%, or a little over $100 million of the $28 billion (approx.) annual budget. Given the above studies, it boggles the mind that such a small portion of the health research dollars are going to Tai Chi.
To recap, about 1/3 of the American population suffers high blood pressure. Tai Chi is proven to be a beneficial therapy that not only has no bad side effects, but dramatically improves immune function, respiratory function, lowers the incidence of anxiety and depression, and profoundly improves the balance of practitioners. Tai Chi does more, but for our purposes here these profound realities are enough to show exactly why it is truly unbelievable that Tai Chi is getting so little scrutiny in medical research dollars, when it can save so many from chronic suffering and perhaps some from a lifetime of chronic costly medications.
It is time we all began to ask the question that all good consumers should ask, “What is the best way/product for my health?” If Tai Chi is that product, the next question is, “Why isn’t every physician offering it as an option to their patients with hypertension, as a prescription?” “Why aren’t all insurance policies covering such prescriptions for Tai Chi?” Ask and ye shall receive. We must become informed and demanding health consumers, in order to get the best health options available.
This article does not advocate self-treatment, and encourages all to make health choices in conjunction with their physician. However, if your physician is close-minded to anything but a certain group of health options, even when research indicates your choices may be wider, than it is time to have a good talk with your physician about possibly widening your options.
Bill Douglas is the Tai Chi Expert at DrWeil.com, Founder of World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day (held in 50 nations each year), and has authored and co-authored several books including a #1 best selling Tai Chi book “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to T’ai Chi & Qigong.” Bill’s been a Tai Chi source for The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, etc. You can learn more about Tai Chi & Qigong, and also contact Bill Douglas at http://www.worldtaichiday.org
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No Need to Live With Flabby Arms Anymore
I had flabby arms. I looked in the mirror one day and thought, 'Those are my mother's arms.' I was a little shocked because it is the only part on my body that really looks old. What amazed me was how easy it is to get rid of flabby arms - without liposuction.
I started by placing 2 soup cans on my desk. Every day I lifted them above my shoulders a few times. I did this for a few weeks before I realized that I was helping my heart to...win-win.
How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms
Hats off to a very brave women who stepped up and finally wanted to get rid of the flabby arms and the sooner the better. Luckily for her, this problem is quite common and the solution is quite simple and two-fold. Working to get rid of flabby arms comes with overall fitness but there's some specific exercises you can to in addition to reducing body fat that will bring those arms into super shape once again.
On just another normal day, I received an email with a cry for help.
"I would like to know how to build up the muscle around the humerous bones of the upper arms. I would like to know how to build up the muscle around the humerous bones of the upper arms. I want to get rid of flabby upper arms!"
For starters...
The muscle that is most problematic for flabby arms is called: The Tricep
Most women think of these things when it comes to that area:
* flabby arms * exercise for flabby arms * tone flabby arms * how to get rid of flabby arms * flabby arm help * flabby upper arms * etc
There are really two key concepts to that particular predicament. Keep in mind that this is such a common question so you are certainly not alone in this. But just keep reading because the answer is pretty simple and may surprise you!
First, get the idea out of your head that there's any such thing as 'spot reduction.' Meaning, if you do certain exercises for that area, the fat will magically disappear just from there and your arms will suddenly be taunt and tone again. Let me give you a real quick lesson on fat. Don't worry this is going to be easy.
Your body stores fat. It stores it in general areas that are common to you as a female. Most men store the most fat in their stomachs. Women tend to store it in their thighs, hips and buttocks. But with anything, you can and will store fat wherever. So the first thing you want to do is...
Reduce the body fat period!
Once you start to reduce fat, you'll see it disappear. Don't bother with creams and rubs and all the other gimmicks out there. You cannot spot reduce. Your body stores fat and the only way to reduce fat in any particular area that is bothering you is to reduce fat period from your body as a whole.
For all these reasons,...
Your first mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reduce the body fat.
Second, in order for that area of your arm to become tone, you'll want to build muscle in the back of the arm. That is called the Tricep and there's several good exercise you can do to build up that area.
But first, let me give you a list of some of the best exercises for flabby arms that will focus on the tricep and help you develop the area and make it stronger. This isn't all inclusive but it's some of the more common and better exercises you can do for the back of the arms.
* Weighted dips * Close grip bench press * Close grip push ups * Lying barbell French press * Overhead cable extensions * Cable press downs * Reverse cable press downs
Many people are caught up in the idea that in order for them to get rid of a problematic area they need to just work it out and do some exercises to target that area.
But that's only half of the solution as you've read.
By working out the area AND reducing body fat, you will progress at twice the speed and make twice the visual differences.
Let's suppose you only worked out the back of the arms. The muscle would be stronger and firmer no doubts, but it might not show IF your level of body fat is such that the muscle is still covered up.
As you see, by doing both, you will tone up (build) the tricep and make it more visible when the layer of fat that covers it up is reduced.
Men and women who want to reduce the 'flabby' anything simply have to realize that it's a combination of body fat in that area, maybe loose skin and a muscle that generally needs to be developed in order to be taunt.
But I'm getting way ahead of myself!
This is a two fold mission.
1- Reduce body fat
2- Do specific exercises to build muscle in the back of the arm so that once the fat is gone, you'll have a tricep and it will appear tight and tone
In a nutshell what this will do for you is make the back of your arms less flabby as the fat is lost from your body and the new muscle will bring added tone and tightness to the back of your arm.
Marc David is a bodybuilder and author of the, Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can get info on Marc's e-book at: http://www.justaskmarc.com/
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In Celebration of Older Women
Beautiful Forever
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Living With Food Related Diseases