Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Being A Single Parent - The Opportunity Of A Lifetime

How many times have you heard how difficult being a single parent is? You hear it all the time, right? Well, I'm a single parent and I feel honored and privileged to be one. In fact I consider it to be what I was born to do. Is it frustrating at times? Of course, but I've come to the conclusion that the frustration comes from being a parent. It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a single parent. In reality, these are all just distinctions that we as humans make.

We say as a culture that there should be a mother and father raising the child, and that's the best way to go. But why do we assume that fact is true. I mean twenty-five years ago it would have been taboo to suggest that a lesbian couple adopt a baby. Today this kind of act is more and more acceptable (as it should be). This type of scenario shows me that we're growing as a culture. We're beginning to realize that the most important thing is that the child is loved, and grows up in a loving home.

The title of this article could have easily been: Being a parent…the opportunity of a lifetime, because in my mind the term "single parent" is just another distinction that this culture makes. It makes no difference if there are one, two, four, or ten people involved in the child's life, the important thing is that the child is loved.

My suggestion is simply to stop thinking of being a single parent as some sort of burden, and start to see all of the positive aspects of it. Dwelling on what we view as wrong, will only help to create more of what's wrong, and that's no good for the most important person in this whole scenario. Your child! The bottom line is that being a parent is the opportunity of a lifetime, whether your single or with a mate.

Trevor Kugler - Co-founder of Trevor has more than 15 years of business experience and 25 years of fishing experience. He currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country - Montana. - Start Catching more fish Today!!!!

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